My project (1)

Skill Acquisition Workshop

For over seven years now, the Northwest and South west Regions of Cameroon have been suffering socio-political crisis and the Bwitingi community located in the Buea subdivision of the South west Region of
Cameroon isn’t exempted from the effects of this socio-political crisis which has greatly affected the economic
situation of most communities within the North west and South West Regions including the Bwitingi
Community, this has brought untold suffering and poverty amongst many individuals and families causing them
to be unable to meet up with their basic needs talk less of having extra money to support their families.

It is against this backdrop that the Fresh Hope Foundation NGO (FHF) decided to embark on a project to train
twelve young girls/idps at the Bwitingi community on household detergent production ie Liquid soap
production, bar soap production and Javel production during which we had several educative sessions ranging
from theorical interactive lessons to the practical sessions which allowed the various production methods to be
displayed practically.

Workshop Highlights

Skill Acquisition Workshop review